AI-Empowered Web3 DApp Building: Ignite Your Creativity with DexAppBuilder’s IA Capabilities

AI Integration

We’ve discovered the missing piece for achieving total versatility! 🧩 DexAppBuilder, your trusted platform for creating onchain applications, now includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist you in creating your Web3 project . This encompasses a wide array of functionalities, from automatically generating optimized titles and descriptions for SEO to creating images for a newly conceived NFT collection, for example, enabling you to effortlessly bring your ideas to life.

Showcasing AI completation
Say goodbye to dependence on external tools for content creation. Use the AI-powered autocomplete feature to finalize those ideas you've started.

Why did we add AI integration to DexAppBuilder?

We’ve noticed that many digital creators and entrepreneurs struggle to deliver quality content on time due to a lack of creativity, language skills, the high cost of quality generative tools, among other factors. This integration provides them with a “companion” that supports them during the creative processes involved in onchain application design, offering a powerful and always available tool.

Who is this integration for?

This integration is designed for digital creators and entrepreneurs who don’t need to be an expert in design or copywriting to achieve remarkable results. In general terms, any DexAppBuilder user can benefit from this tool, which stimulates their creativity and assists them in generating rich content tailored to the specific needs of their project.

Additional features

In addition to content generation, DexAppBuilder’s integration of AI offers digital creators and entrepreneurs versatile tools to enhance their textual content, complemented by a feature for image generation and editing.

  • Enhance writing: Perfect for fleshing out a raw idea on a topic and refreshing the text.
  • Correct spelling and grammar: For those seeking minor adjustments without significant text changes.
  • Summarize: Useful for condensing lengthy texts, capturing their essence.
  • Expand: Increases the length of a text without losing the original message.
  • Image generation and editing: Create and customize images using natural language.
Improve text with AI
See this useful tool in action that will save you a lot of time and money

Regarding the cost of this tool

Using generative AI functions incurs a cost for the project since it involves calls to an external API (OpenAI’s). Thus, each call results in a charge that must be covered to maintain the service. We have set up a straightforward checkout page where users can pre-load their consumption (from $5 to $100) in various cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks.

Top Up Process
The top-up process is simple, and $5 can last long enough for a budding project.

Progress and Prospects at DexAppBuilder

DexAppBuilder has experienced incredible traction in the first quarter, surpassing expectations in visits and interactions. It has contributed to the creation of at least 300 DApps in the last quarter, totaling over 700 to date. With this new AI integration, our goal is to maintain our expanding user base, who are seeking an effective tool to bring their Web3 project ideas to life, and the engagement of our community, encouraging them to continue providing valuable feedback and innovative ideas for the growth of our platform.
Once again, we thank you for choosing us and motivating us to improve DexAppBuilder and its solutions every day, designed for everyone.
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